Blackstone Valley Piano restores keyboards for the following instruments:

Key Bloopers

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Homemade capstan extensions piano key capstan
Inserts should be glued to a smooth flat surface gluing piano keytops
Key lead insert glued in with epoxy piano key leads
Easy with the table saw cutting off piano keytops
Maple veneer glued on to side of sugar pine key with contact cement repairing keytops
Overzealous trimming of keytop, use a little less glue please trimming piano keytops
Accelerated key shoe piano key shoe
An entire set of ivory glued on with contact cement ivory keytops
Is that where the weight goes? piano key leads
Evenly displaced discoloration colored keytops
Adjust this capstan adjusting piano capstan
Balance holes are not always centered replacing piano key balance holes
Take away punchings, don't sand away the wood adjusting piano key height
Genuine wood filled plastic sharp ebony piano key sharps
Easy on the ivory clamps piano key clamps
Accelerated key shoe accelerated piano key action
Nail those buttons piano key buttons
Forgot one capstan piano key caps
Nice keystick repair! piano key repair
Warped key made of basswood repairing piano keys
Don't spray paint the sharps please piano key sharps
Amateur balance hole repair significantly weakens the keystick at its already weakest point piano keyboard balance hole repair
Heat damage to key tops damaged piano keytops
I've heard of sanding keys before but this is ridiculous overtrimming piano keytops
Nice color and contour match colored keytops
Dissimilar wood inserts easy on the c-clamps please clamping piano keys
One set of balance holes is never enough replacing balance holes on piano keys
Please remove old keytop first cutting fronts off piano keys
Hairline cracks cracked piano keytops
Spray on contact cement glue for piano keys
Masking tape button clamp clamping piano keys
Please don't paint the naturals white white piano key naturals
What happened to this capstan
Nice button repair piano key capstan relocation
Key repair piano key repair
Nail those Keys clamping piano keys
Screw on those sharps gluing piano key sharps
Nail those tails gluing piano keytops
Warped key made of basswood sugar pine piano key
Don't spray paint the sharps please ebony sharp piano key repair
Amateur balance hole repair significantly weakens the keystick at its already weakest point piano keyboard balance hole replacement
Heat damage to key tops piano key damage repair
I've heard of sanding keys before but this is ridiculous trimming piano keytops
Nice factory repairs piano keytop repair
Don't smoke and play at the same time stained piano keytops
Insect Infestation insect-damaged piano keyboard
Spray on contact cement glue for piano keytops
Nice front pins, no friction at all. piano key pins
Contact cement for glue, table saw for cutting, belt sander for trimming, an award winning trio piano key gluing and piano key trimming
9 good reasons not to trim with a belt sander overtrimming piano keytops
Capstans are not always centered piano key capstan placement and relocation
Mouse food rodent damaged piano keys
Please put your head on straight keytop evaluation
Damper lift problems? piano key end felt
Please cut off the top flat machining piano keys
Please take off the old fronts before putting on new ones piano keyboard restoration
Please take off the old tops before applying new ones piano keytop evaluation and replacement







© 2008 Blackstone Valley Piano